English version below.


  本政策仅适用于宝马中国(就进口车辆而言指宝马(中国)汽车贸易有限公司,就国产车辆而言指华晨宝马汽车有限公司)(以下简称“宝马中国”或“我们”)通过英文名称“Advanced Car Eye 3.0”,中文名称“BMW/MINI睿眼行车记录仪软件”,(以下简称“ACE 3.0手机APP应用程序”),以及随技术发展出现的新形态向您提供的行车记录仪手机APP应用程序各项产品或服务。

2.我们如何使用 Cookie 和同类技术






ACE 3.0手机APP应用程序未设置账户或ID功能,您无需登录BMW ID即可完整使用ACE 3.0手机APP应用程序的各项功能。

(二)提供ACE 3.0手机APP应用程序产品的各项功能

ACE 3.0手机APP应用程序将为您提供如下服务:
• 视频、音频、图像下载服务。通过该服务您可以把ACE3.0行车记录仪记录的视频、音频、图像直接下载到您的手机上。

o ACE3.0行车记录仪通过汽车前后风挡位置的两个广角摄像头摄取您车外的视频、图像、车外及车内的音频,用于记录驾驶和停车过程中的紧急情况。由ACE3.0行车记录仪记录的视频、音频、图像只会存储在记录仪的SD储存卡上,您可通过ACE3.0手机APP应用程序将行车记录仪记录的视频、音频、图像直接下载到您的手机上。在前述过程中,我们不会另行收集、处理、上传或者分享您的任何个人信息。 上述信息对提供ACE 3.0手机APP应用程序产品的各项功能或相关具体服务是必需的。因此,如您不提供并授权我们使用上述信息,我们将无法提供ACE 3.0手机APP应用程序的各项功能项下的具体服务。对于车内音频,车辆用户必须告知当前和未来的车辆用户,乘客及其监护人对此表示同意并征得他们的许可。 上述信息将在您停止使用ACE 3.0手机APP应用程序的相关功能并从本地设备中删除APP时被删除,除非该等信息是根据法律法规的规定所必须保存的,或我们获得您的单独授权同意的。

• 使用邮件支持服务。通过该功能您可以将遇到的问题和意见发送至ACE 3.0客服团队,由客服团队对您的问题进行解答和帮助。

除上述提供ACE3.0手机APP应用程序的各项功能或相关具体服务所必需的信息外,在提供相关服务的时候,与个人信息有关的细节如下: 在您使用我们的业务功能时,ACE 3.0手机APP应用程序会向您申请下列与个人信息相关的系统权限及设备属性信息:

1. 蓝牙权限

-我们将在以下情形下向您索取该权限 :

• 在ACE3.0/ACE3.0 PRO行车记录仪进行蓝牙连接时,ACE3.0手机APP应用程序利用kotlin,no.nordicsemi.android获取您的蓝牙权限, 查看更改ACE3.0手机APP应用程序设备的系统设置功能。

2. Wi-Fi权限


• 在您将ACE3.0行车记录仪记录的视频、音频、图像发送到您的智能手机时, ACE 3.0 手机APP应用程序需要获取WIFI权限, 通过 Wi-Fi 热点进行通信

3. 存储权限(仅Android)


• 将ACE3.0行车记录仪记录的视频、音频、图像下载和存储到智能手机上



• 将ACE3.0行车记录仪记录的视频、音频、图像下载和存储到智能手机上



• 在获取Wi-Fi名称, 用于行车记录仪设备与该应用程序的连接

6. 读取设备信息


• 在ACE3.0/ACE3.0 PRO行车记录仪进行蓝牙连接时, 获取您的以下信息: 蓝牙 MAC 地址、UUID(通用唯一标识符)、蓝牙 HCI(主机-控制器接口)名称、设备名称。
• 在ACE3.0 APP应用程序前台静默期间,ACE3.0 手机APP应用程序和no.nordicsemi.android获取您的蓝牙设备MAC地址,以保持ACE3.0手机应用程序与ACE3.0行车记录仪的持续连接状态
• 在您使用ACE3.0 应用程序时,kotlin和no.nordicsemi.android获取您的已配对蓝牙设备MAC地址,且需要高频获取您的已配对蓝牙设备MAC地址,以保持ACE3.0手机应用程序与ACE3.0行车记录仪的持续连接状态。
• 在您将ACE3.0行车记录仪记录的视频、音频、图像发送到您的智能手机时, ACE 3.0 手机APP应用程序需要获取WIFI权限, 通过 Wi-Fi 热点进行通信,获取您的以下信息:SSID、BSSID(Wi-Fi MAC 地址)。


(三) 客户服务


(四) 履行法定义务


(五) 征得收集、使用个人信息授权同意的例外情形


二、我们如何使用 Cookie 和同类技术

ACE 3.0手机APP应用程序产品/服务将不使用cookie或同类技术。


(一) 委托处理

  为向您提供专业化、高品质的产品和服务,ACE 3.0手机APP应用程序中某些具体模块或功能由宝马中国授权经销商和/或外部供应商实际提供。我们聘请服务提供商THINKWARE Corp.来协助我们提供客户支持。在该等情形下,为了向您提供相关服务和支持,我们需要将您的个人信息委托该等关联方、宝马授权经销商和/或外部供应商进行处理。在委托处理的情形下,我们将在本政策的范围内,决定您的个人信息的处理目的和处理方式,而受托人将根据我们的指示处理您的个人信息。如果您就该等模块或功能处理个人信息的情况存在疑问,或寻求投诉,可以直接通过第九部分的联系方式与我们取得联系。

(二) 共享


(三) 提供


(四) 公开

  1. 对于我们的业务确有必要且获得您的单独同意后;

(五) 共享、提供、公开个人信息时事先征得授权同意的例外情形

  1. 为订立、履行您作为一方当事人的合同所必需;
  2. 为我们履行法定职责或法定义务所必需;
  3. 为应对突发公共卫生事件,或者紧急情况下为保护您或他人的生命健康和财产安全所必需;
  4. 为公共利益实施新闻报道、舆论监督等行为,在合理的范围内处理您的个人信息;
  5. 依法在合理的范围内处理您自行公开或者其他已经合法公开的个人信息;
  6. 法律、行政法规规定的其他情形。


(一)我们已使用符合业界标准的安全防护措施保护您提供的个人信息, 防止数据遭到未经授权访问、公开披露、使用、修改、损坏或丢失。我们会采取一切合理可行的措施,保护您的个人信息。例如,我们会使用加密技术确保数据的保密性;我们会使用受信赖的保护机制防止数据遭到恶意攻击;我们会部署访问控制机制,确保只有授权人员才可访问个人信息;以及我们会定期举办安全和隐私保护培训课程,加强员工对于保护个人信息重要性的认识。
(二) 我们会采取一切合理可行的措施,确保仅收集为实现本政策所述目的所必需的个人信息。我们只会在达成本政策所述目的所需的期限内保留您的个人信息,除非确有需要延长保留期并获得您的单独授权同意、或根据法律法规或有关数据保留期的特别监管要求。



(一) 访问、查阅、复制您的个人信息


(二) 更正您的个人信息


(三) 删除您的个人信息


(1) 当我们对个人信息的处理违反法律、法规的规定时;
(3) 当我们处理个人信息的行为违反了我们与您的约定;
(4) 当您已经实现、或者认为不可能或没有必要实现处理您的信息的目的时(例如您不再使用我们的产品或服务、或者您注销账户);
(5) 当您撤销对我们处理您的个人信息的同意时。

(四) 个人信息主体注销账户

ACE 3.0手机应用程序APP未设置账户或ID功能。

(五) 改变您授权同意的范围或撤回您的同意

  对于我们收集和使用您的个人信息,您可以随时给予或撤回您的授权同意。您可以通过致电服务热线+86 4001 204 236撤回您的同意。如您想要撤回您授予的权限,您可在App内通过“更多”—“设备权限”—“系统权限管理”—进入您的手机系统权限管理页面操作即可完成权限撤销。

(六) 响应您的上述请求

  热线:+86 4001 204 236



  ACE 3.0手机APP应用程序服务主要面向成年人。ACE3.0手机APP应用程序没有创建任何ID和账户的功能,也不会收集、使用儿童的个人信息,如果确有必要收集、使用儿童个人信息的,我们将事先告知该等儿童的监护人并征得其单独同意。
  为本政策之目的,我们将不满 14 周岁的任何人均视为儿童。







1. 如果您对本隐私政策有任何疑问、意见或建议,请通过以下方式与我们联系:
热线:+86 4001 204 236

2. 我们设立了专门的个人信息保护团队,即宝马(中国)汽车贸易有限公司数据治理部,您可以通过邮箱:或致电BMW客户服务中心400-800-6666与其联系。

Personal Data Protection Policy of BMW

This policy applies solely to the products and services of the dashcam mobile apps ("ACE 3.0 Mobile Apps") offered by BMW China (which refers to BMW (China) Automotive Trading Co. Ltd. in the case of imported vehicles and to BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd. in the case of domestically-manufactured vehicles) (hereinafter referred to as ‘BMW China’ or ‘We’) under the English name ‘Advanced Car Eye 3.0’ and the Chinese names ‘BMW/MINI睿眼行车记录仪软件’, as well as any new forms that may emerge with technological advancements.
BMW China will determine the purpose and manner for processing your personal data based on the services and products provided to you, and it will protect your personal data in accordance with the provisions of this policy.
Last updated: August 2024.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about the content of this policy, you can contact us through the contact information provided in Section 9 of this policy.

This policy will help you in understanding the following:

1. Our business functions and how we collect and use your personal data
2. How we use cookies and similar technologies
3. How we entrust the processing, sharing, transfer, and public disclosure of your personal data
4. How we protect your personal data
5. Your rights
6. How we handle the personal data of minors
7. How your personal data is transferred globally
8. How this policy updated
9. How to contact us

We are well aware of the importance of personal data to you, and we treat your personal data with the utmost care in line with your high expectations for BMW products. We strive to establish and maintain a relationship of trust with you and adhere to the following principles to protect your personal data: accountability and responsibility, clearly defined purposes, choice and consent, minimum necessity of data, data security, individual participation, and openness and transparency. We also promise to employ appropriate security measures in accordance with well-established industry standards to fully protect your personal data.
By signing, or clicking ‘Read’, ‘Agree’ or other similar options, or by accepting our products or services and submitting your personal data to us, you are deemed to have accepted this privacy policy. We will use and protect your personal data in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and this policy. Before checking or clicking ‘Read’, ‘Agree’, or other similar options to accept our products or services, or filling in, confirming, or authorising the export or import of personal data, or signing authorisation documentation, please carefully read this privacy policy to ensure that you fully understand the implications of its contents and the corresponding legal effect(s).

1. Our business functions and how we collect and use your personal data

Personal data refers to various data recorded in electronic or other means related to identified or identifiable natural persons, including but not limited to name(s), date(s) of birth, identity card number(s), personal biometric data, address(es), and telephone number(s), but excluding data that has been anonymised. Sensitive personal data refers to personal data that, once divulged or illegally used, could easily cause infringement of an individual's dignity or the endangerment of their personal and property security. In general, biometrics, religious beliefs, specific identities, medical health, financial accounts, location, and other data, as well as the personal data of minors under the age of fourteen, are considered sensitive personal information. Provisions regarding sensitive personal data will be highlighted in bold in this policy In actual scenarios where sensitive personal data is collected, we will provide enhanced notifications or immediate prompts (such as pop-up reminders) to remind you again and obtain your authorisation, or require you to click confirm again, or to sign a ‘Separate Consent Form’.
We will only collect and use your personal data for the following purposes as stated in this policy.
Unless otherwise specified in this policy or as required by laws and regulations, we will inform you in advance and seek your consent when we need to use personal data for purposes not specified in this policy.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise for the following purposes, we only store your personal data for the period necessary to achieve the relevant purpose(s). If data is used for multiple purposes, once the specific purposes are fulfilled, your data will be deleted or stored in a form that cannot be directly or indirectly traced back to you.

(1) User registration/Login
The ACE 3.0 mobile app does not require you to set up an account or ID. You can use all the features of the ACE 3.0 mobile app without logging in with your BMW ID.

(2) Provision of the functionalities of the ACE 3.0 mobile app product
The ACE 3.0 mobile app provides you with the following services:

• Video, audio, and image download services. You can use this service to directly download the videos, audio, and images recorded by the ACE 3.0 dashcam to your mobile phone.
The ACE 3.0 dashcam uses two wide-angle cameras positioned on the front and rear windshields of the car to capture video and images of the surroundings, as well as audio from both inside and outside the vehicle, and for recording any emergencies during driving and parking. The videos, audios, and images recorded by the ACE 3.0 dashcam will only be stored on the dashcam's SD storage card. You can use the ACE 3.0 mobile app to directly download the recorded videos, audios, and images from the dashcam to your mobile phone. During the processes above, we will not separately collect, process, upload, or share any of your personal data.
The above data is necessary for providing the various functionalities or related specific services of the ACE 3.0 mobile app product. Therefore, if you do not provide and authorise us to use the above data, we will be unable to provide specific services of the ACE 3.0 mobile app. For in-vehicle audio, vehicle users must inform current and future vehicle users, passengers, and their guardians of the circumstances, and obtain their consent and permission.
The above information will be deleted when you cease using the relevant functionalities of the ACE 3.0 mobile app and delete the app from your local device, unless such data is required to be retained according to the provisions of laws and regulations or your separate authorised consent.
• Using email support services. Through this function, you can send any issues or feedback to the ACE 3.0 customer service team, who will provide assistance and help.

In addition to the necessary data to provide the various functionalities or specific services of the ACE 3.0 mobile app, the following details related to personal data are required when providing the relevant services:
When you use our business functions, the ACE 3.0 mobile app will request the following system permissions and device properties related to personal data:

1. Bluetooth permissions
  -We will request these permissions from you in the following situations:

• When the ACE 3.0/ACE 3.0 PRO dashcam is connected via Bluetooth, the ACE 3.0 mobile app uses Kotlin and to obtain Bluetooth permissions and to access the system settings in order to modify the ACE3.0 mobile app device functions.

2. Wi-Fi permissions
  -We will request these permissions from you in the following situations:

• When you send the video, audio, and images recorded by the ACE 3.0 dashcam to your smartphone, the ACE 3.0 mobile app needs to obtain Wi-Fi permissions for communicating through a Wi-Fi hotspot.

3. Storage permissions (Android only)
  -We will request these permissions from you in the following situations:

• Downloading and storing the videos, audio, and images recorded by the ACE 3.0 dashcam on a smartphone.

4. Photo album permissions (iOS only)
  -We will request these permissions from you in the following situations:

• Downloading and storing the videos, audio, and images recorded by the ACE 3.0 dashcam on a smartphone.

5. Location permissions (Android only)
  -We will request these permissions from you in the following situations:

• To obtain the Wi-Fi name for connecting the dashcam device with the app

6. Reading device information
  -We will request these permissions from you in the following situations:

• When the ACE 3.0/ACE 3.0 PRO dashcam is connected via Bluetooth in order to obtain the following information: Bluetooth MAC address, UUID (Universally Unique Identifier), Bluetooth HCI (Host-Controller Interface) name, and device name.
• When the ACE 3.0 app is in the foreground, the app and obtain your Bluetooth device MAC address to maintain a continuous connection between the ACE 3.0 mobile app and the ACE 3.0 dashcam.
• When you use the ACE 3.0 app, Kotlin and obtain the MAC address of your paired Bluetooth devices. Frequent retrieval of the MAC addresses of your paired Bluetooth devices is necessary to maintain a continuous connection between the ACE 3.0 mobile app and the ACE 3.0 dashcam.
• When you send the video, audio, and images recorded by the ACE 3.0 dashcam to your smartphone, the ACE 3.0 mobile app needs to obtain Wi-Fi permissions to communicate through the Wi-Fi hotspot and obtain the following information: SSID, and BSSID (Wi-Fi MAC address).
The above is a total of six system permissions. If you do not provide authorisation, we will be unable to provide such business functionalities. Apart from the permissions outlined above, you may choose whether to grant additional system permissions. If you wish to revoke the permissions granted, you can do so within the app by going to ‘More’ - ‘Device Permissions’ - ‘Permissions’ – ‘System Setting Management’, and then entering your phone's system permission management page to complete the permission revocation process.
In order to ensure the implementation of app-related functions and the stable operation of the app, we may integrate open-source software development kits to achieve these purposes. There may be variations in features across different SDK versions. We will carry out strict security monitoring on software development kits (SDKs) that obtain data in order to ensure data security.

(3) Customer service
In handling contractual matters related to you (e.g. technical issues with this product) or requests you make (e.g. queries or complaints submitted to BMW customer service), we use the personal data you have provided (e.g. name, email, vehicle model, and phone number) to contact you directly. When handling the aforementioned contractual matters and your requests, we will contact you according to the contact information you have clearly provided (such as written correspondence, phone, text messages, email, etc.) and will not seek to obtain your consent separately.

(4) Fulfilment of legal obligations
In accordance with legal and regulatory obligations, such as product recalls or technical activities, we may issue relevant notices and contact you according to the information you provide.

(5) Exceptions to obtaining authorisation and consent for the collection and use of personal data
In accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and national standards, we may collect and use your personal data without obtaining your authorisation in the following exceptional circumstances:

1. Where it is necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract to which you are a party;
2. Where it is necessary for us to fulfill our legal duties or obligations.
3. In response to sudden public health emergencies, or in emergency situations necessary to protect your or others' lives, health, and property.
4. To process your personal data within a reasonable scope for news reporting, public opinion monitoring and other activities in the public interest;
5. To process your personal data that you have voluntarily disclosed or that has been lawfully disclosed within a reasonable scope in accordance with the law.
6. Other circumstances as stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

2. How we use cookies and similar technologies

The ACE 3.0 mobile app will not use cookies or similar technologies for its products/services.

3. How we entrust the processing, sharing, transfer, and public disclosure of your personal data

(1) Entrustment for processing
In order to provide you with specialised and high-quality products and services, certain specific modules or functions in the ACE 3.0 mobile app are actually provided by authorised dealers and/or external suppliers of BMW China. We have engaged the service provider THINKWARE Corp. to assist us in providing customer support. In such cases, in order to provide you with relevant services and support, we need to entrust your personal data to such relevant affiliated parties, authorised BMW dealers, and/or external suppliers for processing. In the case of entrustment for processing, we will determine the purposes and methods of processing your personal data within the scope of this policy, and the entrustee(s) will process your personal data according to our instructions. If you have any questions about the processing of personal data by such modules or functions, or if you wish to make a complaint, you can contact us directly via the contact information in Section 9.
In the case of entrustment for processing, with respect to the companies, organisations, and individuals mentioned above who accept our entrustment and assist us in processing personal data, we will agree with the entrusted parties with respect to the purpose, duration, method, types of personal data, protection measures, and the rights and obligations between us and the entrusted parties, based on the scope of authorisation you have granted us, and we will supervise their processing of personal data. We will ensure that the entrustees process your personal data in accordance with our agreement with them, and that they will not process your personal data beyond the agreed processing purposes and methods. We will sign a strict confidentiality agreement with them, requiring them to handle personal data in accordance with our requirements, this privacy policy, and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

(2) Sharing
We may share your personal data with third parties as required by laws and regulations, or as mandated by regulatory authorities. We only share necessary personal data and are bound by the purposes stated in this privacy policy. Prior to sharing your personal data , we will prompt you again and obtain your authorisation through pop-ups or other means, or ask you to click to Confirm or sign a ‘Separate Consent Form’.

(3) Provision
Apart from the customer service and support expressly stated in Sections 1 and 3(1) above as well as the fulfillment of legal obligations, we will not provide your personal data to any company, organisation, or individual.
However, the following situations are excluded:
1. If provided with explicit consent. We will provide your personal data to other parties after obtaining your explicit consent.
2. In the case of mergers, acquisitions, or bankruptcy liquidation, if personal data is provided to the successors of the rights and obligations of the Company, we will inform you separately of the relevant circumstances and require the new company or organisation holding your personal data to continue to be bound by this privacy policy. Otherwise, we will require the company or organisation to seek your authorisation again.

(4) Public disclosure
We will only disclose your personal data in the following circumstances:
1. Where it is necessary for our business and requires your separate consent;
2. Disclosure according to legal requirements: We may disclose your personal data in situations where it is required by law, legal procedures, litigation, or governmental regulatory authorities.

(5) Exceptions for sharing, provision, and disclosing personal data with prior consent
In accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and national standards, in the following situations, we may share, transfer, or publicly disclose your personal data without obtaining your prior authorisation:
1. Where it is necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract to which you are a party;
2. Where it is necessary for us to fulfill our legal duties or obligations.
3. In response to sudden public health emergencies, or in emergency situations necessary to protect your or others' lives, health, and property.
4. To process your personal data within a reasonable scope for news reporting, public opinion monitoring and other activities in the public interest;
5. To process your personal data that you have voluntarily disclosed or that has been lawfully disclosed within a reasonable scope in accordance with the law.
6. Other circumstances as stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

4. How we protect your personal data

(1) We have used security measures that comply with industry standards to protect the personal data you provide, in order to prevent unauthorised access, disclosure, use, modification, damage, or loss of the data. We will take all reasonable and practical measures to protect your personal data. For example, we use encryption to ensure the confidentiality of data; we use trusted protection mechanisms to protect data from malicious attacks; we deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorised personnel can access personal data; and we regularly conduct security and privacy protection training courses to enhance the awareness of employees with respect to the importance of protecting personal data.
(2) We will take all reasonable and practical measures to ensure that only the personal data necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this policy is collected. We will only retain your personal data for the period necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this policy, unless it is necessary to extend the retention period and obtain your separate authorised consent, or as required by laws and regulations or specific regulatory requirements for data retention.
(3) The internet is not 100% secure, and although we are committed to protecting your personal data, we are unable to guarantee its absolute security. Therefore, you should also take active steps to ensure the security of your personal data, such as regularly changing your account password and not disclosing to others information relating to your password for your personal account.
(4) In the unfortunate event of a security incident involving your personal data, we will promptly inform you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations of information such as the basic details and possible impact of the security incident, the actions we have taken or will take, suggestions for your own risk prevention and mitigation, and remedial measures for you. We will promptly inform you of relevant information via email, letters, telephone, push notifications, and so on. In the event of difficulty in informing each individual data subject, we will take reasonable and effective measures to issue a public notice.
We will also proactively report the handling of personal data security incidents as required by regulatory authorities.
(5) The ACE 3.0 mobile app may contain network links operated and maintained by third parties. For example, to access ETC functionality, users may need to be redirected to the “e-Gaosu" mobile app. We, however, have no control over such third parties. Please be advised that any data you provide to a third party will be subject to the privacy policy or personal data protection policy of that third party. We suggest that you investigate and inquire into the situation before providing any data to a third party. We do not take any responsibility for the content, actions or policies of third parties. The appearance of third-party links in the ACE 3.0 mobile app does not imply our endorsement of the content, actions, or policies of the third party. We suggest you carefully read the privacy policies of such third parties. As third-party apps may collect and use relevant personal data based on your service needs, please read the privacy policies of third-party apps for detailed information.

5. Your rights

In accordance with relevant Chinese laws, regulations, standards, in addition to common practices of other countries and territories, we guarantee you the following rights with respect to your personal information:

(1) Access, review and copying of your personal data
You have the right to access your personal data, except in the exceptional circumstances provided for by laws and regulations. If you wish to exercise your right to access your personal data, you can send an email to: We will process your request after verifying your identity and complete the verification and processing within fifteen working days.
You also have the right to copy your personal data, or to obtain a copy of your data. You can contact us via email at
Upon your request, we can also directly transfer a copy of your personal data to a third party you specify, provided that it is technically feasible, such as data interface matching, and that it meets the conditions specified by the national internet administration.

(2) Correcting your personal data
If you discover that your personal data that we are processing is not correct, you have the right to request that we make corrections. You can contact for the specific correction workflow. We will process your request after verifying your identity, and complete the verification and processing within 15 working days.

(3) Deleting your personal information
If any of the following circumstances apply, you may request the deletion of your personal data:

(1) When our processing of personal data violates laws or regulations.
(2) When we collect or use your personal data without your consent.
(3) When our processing of personal data violates our agreement with you.
(4) When the purpose of processing your data has been achieved, or you believe it is no longer possible or necessary to achieve the purpose (for example, you no longer use our products or services, or you have closed your account).
(5) When you withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal data.
If we agree to your request to delete data, we will also notify the entities from which we obtained your personal data, and request them to promptly delete the relevant data, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations or unless we have obtained your separate authorisation.
Once your information has been deleted from our services, we may not immediately delete the corresponding data from backup systems due to legal and regulatory restrictions. However, we will securely store the data and cease any further processing until deletion or anonymisation of the backup(s) is carried out. In order to fully protect your personal rights, we may retain necessary information in backup systems and use technical means to make this information unsearchable or inaccessible.

(4) Account closures by personal data subjects
The ACE 3.0 mobile app does not have the functionality to set up an account or ID.

(5) Changing the scope of your authorisation or withdrawing your consent
You can grant or withdraw your consent for us to collect and use your personal data at any time. You may withdraw your consent by calling our service hotline at +86 4001 204 236. If you wish to revoke the permissions granted, you can do so within the app by going to ‘More’ - ‘Device Permissions’ - ‘Permissions’ - ‘System Setting Management’, and then entering your phone's system permission management page to complete the permission revocation process.

Please note, however, that each business function requires certain basic personal data (see the first part of this policy). Therefore, if you withdraw your consent for us to collect and use your personal data that is necessary for a business function, we will not be able to continue providing you with the corresponding services. Once you withdraw your consent, we will no longer process the personal data within the scope of your withdrawn consent. However, withdrawing your consent will not affect the processing of personal data that was carried out based on your consent prior to the withdrawal.

(6) Responding to your requests on the above
You can make requests regarding rights to your personal information based on the specific methods listed above. To ensure safety, you may need to prove your identity. We may first request you to verify your identity before processing your request.
We will respond within 15 business days. If you are not satisfied, you can file a complaint through the following channels.

Hotline: +86 4001 204 236

We generally do not charge a fee for reasonable requests, but we may charge certain fees for multiple repeated requests or excessive requests, depending on the situation. We may refuse requests that are unjustifiably repetitive, require disproportionate technical effort (such as the need to develop a new system or fundamentally change current practices), that pose risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or that are highly impractical (such as involving information stored on backup tapes).
We will be unable to respond to your request in the following circumstances:

1. If related to our fulfillment of obligations stipulated by laws and regulations;
2. If directly related to national security or defence;
3. If directly related to public safety, public health, or major public interests;
4. If directly related to a criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, or execution of judgment;
5. If we have sufficient evidence to demonstrate that you have acted with subjective malice or abused your rights;
6. For the purpose of safeguarding major legitimate rights and interests such as your or others' lives or property, but where it is difficult to obtain your consent;
7. If responding to your request would result in serious harm to your or other individuals' or organisations' legitimate rights and interests;
8. If trade secrets are involved.

6. How we handle the personal data of minors

The ACE 3.0 mobile app service is mainly targeted at adults. The ACE 3.0 mobile app does not have the functionality to create any ID or account, nor does it collect or use the personal data of minors. If it is necessary to collect and use minors’ personal data, we will inform their guardians in advance and obtain their separate consent.
For the purpose of this policy, we consider anyone under 14 years of age as a minor.
If we find that we have collected minors’ personal data without the prior consent of a verifiable guardian, we will make every effort to promptly delete the relevant account and personal data.

7. How your personal data is transferred globally

Personal data we collect and generate within the territory of the People's Republic of China will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China. Therefore, your personal data will not be transferred to jurisdictions outside of China or accessed from jurisdictions outside of China. If we need to transfer your personal data outside of China in the future, we will seek your separate consent, comply with relevant laws and regulations, and ensure that your personal data receives an adequate level of protection equivalent to that in China.

8. How this policy is updated

Our personal data protection policy may change. We will not reduce the rights you are entitled to under this privacy policy without your explicit consent. We will post any changes made to this policy on this page. We will archive previous versions of this policy for your reference.
We will also provide more prominent notifications for major changes.
Major changes referred to in this policy include, but are not limited to:

1. Where our service model has undergone a major change. For example, the purpose of processing personal data, the types of personal data being processed, and the ways in which personal data is used.
2. Where we have undergone significant changes in ownership structure, organisational structure, and other aspects. For example, changes in ownership caused by business adjustments, bankruptcy, and mergers and acquisitions;
3. Where the main recipients of personal data sharing, transfer, or public disclosure have changed;
4. Where there are significant changes in your rights to participate in the way your personal data is processed and how you can exercise your rights;
5. Where our department responsible for handling personal data security, contact information, and complaint channels change.

9. How to contact us

1. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this privacy policy, please contact us through the following channels:

Hotline: +86 4001 204 236

BMW (China) Automotive Trading Co., Ltd., with registered address at 28th Floor, Tower B, Gateway Plaza, No. 18 Xia Guang Li, North Road East Third Ring, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100027. BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd., with registered address at No. 14, Shanzuizi Road, Dadong District, Shenyang City, China, 110143. We will do our best to reply to you within 15 working days.

2. We have set up a dedicated personal data protection team, the Data Governance Department of BMW (China) Automotive Trading Co., Ltd. You can contact us by emailing or by calling the BMW Customer Service Centre on 400-800-6666. If you are not satisfied with our response, especially if you believe that our handling of personal data has harmed your legitimate rights and interests. You may also seek resolution through the following external channels: By filing a case with a court that has jurisdiction over the defendant's location.